Thursday 1 January 2009

Resolutions? I have plenty.

my celebration was better than expected.

i thought it was just gg to be fireworks-watching and gg all ooo and aaaa over it.
but i had more than that!

i started th day by pondering on what to wear. i wanted to wear something bright cause relatives in brasil always told me that bright symbolises starting the year on a good foot and having a good year etc etc. its no wonder everyone wears white during NY in brasil. But i ended up wearing a lot of black. i felt better in the particular clothing i was in and it was coincidentally black. screw it uh. the year is what i make of it. plus, my top was white. couldn't be that bad. ok im talking too much about apparels.

ANYHOOS, i met up with moozie and he took a cab down to downtown east. We met his sis and co. and had dinner. I had ayam penyet(: which by the way sounds damn funny in english; smashed chicken. I envision animal cruelty. After dinner, we walked around aimlessly which can be very fun when you are very full and not wanting to think of what to do. We stopped by this shop and i'm sure everyone has seen this before but i forgot what it's called. It's some painting thingy that u can stick on windows etc. A picture would clear things out:

I did a sailormoon keychain thingy but i had to use paint and not the gluey thing u see in the picture. I wasn't having fun so i passed it to moozie to do and got myself a house picture! hehe. Moozie did a bad job with the painting. Let's just say sailormoon is now a black with blonde hair. ooo. Nasty girl she is.

Too bad i can't show you the picture of the wonderful house i painted. I pasted it on moozie's wardrobe cause he forced me to use the dumb keychain. it snapped off anyway. Thank God.

Finally, we realised that it was not as early as we thought it was and we needed to head down to marina to book our movie. ASAP. cabbed down and moozie's sis daughter slept on my lap. so adorable. she had just finished crying (not due to me) and did this heavy breathing sounds once in a while.

she is so adorable and mimicks everthing you say if you ask her to. she is really obedient too. not like a wild child. After booking the tickets (to watch all the way at plaza sing cause marina doesnt have movies after 12 apparantly. like wtf.) we waited and snapped pictures and fagged till the fireworks started.

And when it did, WOW.

i felt like it was right above me. like i had front row seats to a game. i got to see every single blast. any closer and i would have been burnt.

I look kinda fat in this picture but i just had to post this cause moozie looks like the princess in starwars with her bunned hair. i forgot her name. but the fireworks did him no justice. he looks kinda hot in buns.

After the big hoohaa, we took a bus to plaza sing cause we had already spent such a fortune on cab fares. We sat at starbucks for a while and then proceeded to watch YESMAN!

Honestly, the storyline of this movie isnt anything extravagent BUT! i really really can relate to this movie. i feel like a YESwoman. i've always wanted to do the kinda things he does. learn the guitar, bunjee jump, fly a damn plane, learn a new language. helping ppl out. I WANT THOSE!

and i will . With that, i end my post. TCHAU!

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