Friday 6 February 2009

I'm back from the chalet with a lot of stories and pictures to share.
First of, like you people already don't know how a chalet looks like, i'll showcase some pictures of the layout:

dining area which i swear no one sat there man. Everyone was either at the living room, outside or in th room.
Outside, ahhhh.. so cold and windy.
Sean in kitchen. We even had a microwave (: should have bought microwavable popcorn.
The pool! It's right outside our chalet which made everything so convenient and perfect!By the way, we all knew that the dates were 4.5.6 of feb. But on the 3rd, Namdev told me that there was a mix up and the actual dates were 3.4.5 of feb. This caused alot of confusion cause some couldnt go last minute, the last bus was ending in a few hours etc. Initially, i thought of going on the 4th itself and spend one night but how could i resist? So after slacking at civic for a while, Nanee , haziq and i rushed home to pack and meet Aysha at woodlands by 11.15 so as to not miss the last bus at 11.37. PHEW. we were just on time. We alighted at Ikea and cabbed there. Nthing much was done on the first day since we all arrived around 12 mn. We bought smirnoff and king roberts and downed our sorrows for that day had to be happy! I got drunk of course. What's new right? And i persuaded sean and haziq to jump in the pool at 3 in the morning, when it was closed. HAHAHAH. i love breaking the rules. I felt better after the cold rush.

Slept around 7am and woke up at 11am, to... swim again. We played some ball games and it drizzled abit so we decided to cuddle in the chalet and watch 'superbad' but who the hell sits all day long at a chalet right? I headed to downtown east with a few friends to get more liquour for night time and got some coke.
More pictures:

Haziq and i

my bbygirl Aysha. She said this picture looks like we're in a box.Nanee and aysha. AND ME OF COURSE.
Dominique. I like his name.And he taught me how to play some tap-tap card game.These pictures below are just some lame ass excuse for dev to try to be a photographer. We were like dancing and he asked us to continue dancing whilst he took photos.
look at my beautifully, self-manicured red nails(:
Namdev being grumpy cause i kept playing with his camera, and cause i didnt straighten his hair. Alif behind.
After the ball games, the bbq food arrived and we started around like 5ish? 6? Teachers arrived around 7 and ate while we headed to the pool jacuzzied and talked about.... males. Myself, aysha and sandhia with thivya sitting by the side. Haziq and Ryan joined us soon after.

When we returned from jacuzzi-ing, with our hungry desire for food, there was only 10 chicken wings left. Its a very sad case but nevermind, a friend, Ridhwan, headed to the store and got sausages. Heck we couldnt get better food cause we were all near to broke with all the drinking and bla bla. After eating, we rested for a while and went to explore. While waiting for the others, we took a few pictures. Firt place we went to was called the redhouse but couldnt get in, too many barbwires so the rest called it quits while the 7 of us continued walking to pasir ris beach and explore the end of it where there is some kinda Sungei-Buloh-thing going on. Was very dark but not too spooky uh.
Haziq, Me and Ryan.
There is a funny story behind this picture below. HAHAHA. i laugh everytime i see it. Haziq suggested to take a "candid" picture of them walking but u can see right through this picture right? They were standing there like statues. hahahah.

The day after, right before checking out :

Headed to Tampines Mall to have lunch(thanks for th treat Haziq) and headed straight home after that. I'm slpy . Do you know how annoying it is after every time u upload pics? there will be big gaps everywhere and u need to scroll down just to place the picture there. I need my sleep. Afterall, i have not slept well the last few days and i need to cuddle up with giogio and kiss her cute nose! Dont u eeu me. It's squishy. Bye.

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