Before I left the house today, I got the shock of my life to see a bird, more like a pigeon actually, standing by the window of my corridor, seeing no harm, I left it alone, that was in the evening. When I got home around 12, it was still freaking there and it managed to shock me twice, counting the one in the evening. So I went to wikihow and you will be amazed how little help u get when u really need it by this 'how' website. Or maybe I was too impatient to find the right words to type. I managed to see 'how to help an injured wild bird' and 'how to shoo a bird' and there was no way I was going to throw a towel over a bird and place it in a box so I just looked at it for a while and it looked well rested. I watched abit of Friends on tv and played with pachka and an hour it was still there! So I whipped out a broom and gently, very gently nudged it. It flew off . I really think it has to do with drinking birds nest soup the night before. U know the ones you get at the bazaar for 2 bucks. It's made of saliva. Gross. But nice.
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1 comment:
mann i love bird's nest soup too even IF its made from spit!!! <333
i eat it like once every monthish and used to bought from website hongkong-bird-nest.50webs.com/index_e.htm sometimes, my mom went back to hong kong and bought a full suitcase of it cause its cheaper there XD
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