Friday 12 December 2008

1)Last night, did u go to sleep happy?
all i know is that i went to sleep, sleepy.

2)When was the last time you changed clothes in front of someone?
moozie's place.

3)Anyone told you a secret this week?

4) Did you have a good day yesterday?
not too bad. i mean, i always have fun as long as im not bumming at home.

5) What was the highlight of today?
crackers, movie with bad quality and maggi with giogio(:

6) Do you ever turn your cell phone off?

7) What happened at 3:00am today?
i was editting my blog.

8) When was the last time you took a picture with your number 1 friend?
all th time. i can't recall.

9) Do you hate anyone?
not really.

10) Do they know who they are?
i said not really.

11) What is your favorite thing to eat with peanut butter?

12) When did you last cry?
i cant remember. i'm kind of sick of crying already. it just gets u unneccesary attention.

13) Have you ever collapsed on the bathroom floor?
yes. it was really scary. it was actually because i was high.

14) Do you have a good relationship with your mother?

15) When was the last time you bought something?
hmmm, in the noon. this guy was selling door-to-door keropoks.

16) Have you ever told someone you like them?
yes. im ok with making first moves.

17) Do you continue fighting in an argument even though you know you're wrong?
at times. but i try hard to remind myself to give in.

18) Where were you just now..?
just home.

19) Is there anyone that calls you baby?

20) In the next 2 months what are you looking forward to the most?
hmmm, christmas, KL hopefully, 2009! i love NY i don't know why. it gets me so excited and i start making this resolutions and all. and my results as well, as in, which path im going to take in my studies. the anticipation kills.

21) Why?
just explained.

22) Who called you last?

23) What are you thinking of right now?
what to wear tml.

24) When and where was the last time you partied?
with danielle! a few places actually. i miss that girl.

25) Have you ever sat and waited for someone to come online?

26) When was the last time you laughed so hard you were going to cry?
yesterday night.

27) Did you tell someone something today?

28) Do you like make-up?
i'm not going to lie , YES!

29) Do you like dressing up?
it's the best element about being a girl!

30) Have you ever considered a sex change?
the hell? no.

31) What will you buy next?
i don't know. but as long as its buying stuff, it excites me.

32) Have any wild family members?
yes! everyone back in brasil! tchia gracu!

33) Are you bored?
yes, which explains why i'm doing this.

34) What's on your mind right now?
nothing really.
35) What are you wearing?
shorts and tee.

36) Any plans for today?
i HAD plans. but were cancelled.
37) What's the connection between you and the last person that called you?
best friend.

38) What's the nicest text in your inbox say?
sigh. i deleted those.

39) What's beside you right now?
many things.

40) Where do you want to be right now?
brasil. please.

41) What is it that you find so hard to forget?
minor things.

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