Friday 12 December 2008

I just home from mum's new restaurant and it looks so FAB!

Surprisingly, dad was there too and it was weird when dad and i were going home ( mum wanted to stay longer to entertain the other guests) we had to say bye to everyone and when dad said bye to mum, it was like, SUPER WEIRD.
Nevertheless, the food was awesome, there were even some straits times reporters there. When i first arrived, it was so awkward.
Mum was busy with her friends, dad was socialising with people, well, he socialises with anyone actually. Sis was with her brazilian work mates. And there i was, all alone. Blame myself cause every time mum invited me for some brazilian event, i always turned it down.
So after mum presented me to all her friends, i sat with sis and dad and other brazilians, feeling alone. But slowly, i took part in convos and talked about brazil. sigh. i miss brazil.
I know a lot of people always wanted to know how mum looks like, moreover, dad. I don't really enjoy posting pictures of my family cause well, i just find it personal but ok ok, here you go.

mum & sis. yes yes, my mum is not a black and no, brasil is not a black country only.

stranger, stranger, fabiana(mum's partner in this biz), mum, me(!), dad, sis

this is my brother, edward. serious. okay okay! he is this brazilian singer my mum hired to sing everyday. see his mini stage behind?

that's all . goodbye.

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