Wednesday 28 January 2009

Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you!

1. I really like my name and i even wikipedia-ed it to see the meaning which by the way, means the crowned one.

2. I'm a perfectionist. Certain things must be done this way or they shouldn't be done at all. Some of the things that i am a perfectionist over are like painting of th nails, painting as a whole actually (walls, drawings), my hair, writing neatly.

3. I think im the most competitive girl ever. I love winning, and might/will/ get angry when i lose. I guess it's because i just love proving myself to other people and i enjoy standing up for us girls. We aren't as soft as you think we are ya know-

4. I, sometimes unknowingly, think ahead of the future. For example, when i have a boyfriend i immediately think of wether my parents would like him, if his religion would coincide with mine and if we would be happy together in the long run. I do this because i do not like wasting my time and emotions on something that could only be a fling. But then again, im indecisive so at times i hang on to things that do me no good.

5. I love love love a man who knows how to cook. It isn't a necessary requirement of a partner but it is sure hell of a bonus. Nothing is sexier than a man and me stirring things up in a kitchen (:

6. I am a huge animal lover. If you have ever abused an animal, u can fuck off. How can anyone abuse something so lovable? That would be sick.

7. Shiet, we are only at 7?

8. I always wished i was either born fully Brazilian or fully Singaporean cause i hate the fact that mine family is torn into 2 different continents. Its sad. But ok, ok, i will be happy with what i have.

9. Mine ambition when i was 6 yrs old was to be the president of Brasil because i hated how it is corrupted. Now? An air stewardess and a journalist. A pyschiatrist could do the trick too.

10. I do not believe in love at first sight. Its physical attraction you morons. Have u ever heard a brad pitt-looking kinda guy falling in love with Miss swan upon gazing into her eyes? I dont think so. Don't be offended though, its everyone to their opinions.

11. I am a very weak drinker, people always think i want to get drunk but the thing is, a few sips of vodka can make my head spin like spinelli. And, i hate it when a guy gets angry when i'm drunk. He should be making sure i'm alright, not making me cry when i'm tipsy or for the matter of fact, whenever.

12. I do not like flowers and teddy bears. I dont think they have value - monetary wise or like, in a sweet way. If you want to be sweet or romantic, write something or make something. If you are going to buy something, at least buy something that doesn't die or doesn't collect dust bunnies. But hey, i still appreciate it if i get it. It's just a preference wise kinda thing.I'll just keep the bear nicely with the other 1000 bears i have in my big red box.

13. I don't like the number 13. It just sounds uneven, undividable and unglam. U could guess from here that i don't enjoy maths too.

14. I love food. BUT, i am very choosy. I don't do mutton, squids, cockles, sting rays are on a mood basis, the fruit tomato itself, cucumbers should be eaten without the mushy seeds inside etc. Yes, i am fussy.

15. I find myself rather adventurous. I have always wanted to do things like bungee jump, and drink snake's blood from thailand and omg! i want to parasail too.

16. People think i am grumpy/bored/giving bad attitude when i don't smile but it actual fact, it's just my relaxed kinda face. Am i supposed to be smiling all the time?!

17. If i had a brother, his name would be Albert. I know that because mom and dad named us after princesses of Monoco. Caroline, being the eldest.

18. I find the way men think very interesting. But a man who has ever stooped himself down low sexually( sex with prostitute/ group sex) will have a hard time getting my respect. Sex isn't a game.

19. I always prefer the truth then being lied too just to save me from getting hurt. I will appreciate it SO MUCH. seriously.

20. I am very observant. Very. I tend to notice little things like how a person grooms his/her nails, how a person types and other stuff like that that i can't think of at the moment.

21. I adore long bus rides. I have ever taken a 1 hour bus ride all the way to east coast and back, but of course, these rides can only happen if i have an mp3 with me. When i am in th bus, i tend to think alot.

22. I do not like being alone. I feel i can do things better with company around. I'm not dependant on people. I'm just saying that company is nice.

23. I aspire to be rich, not just to be earning a living. I want to be rich-rich and i have made up my mind i'm going to get there by hook or by crook.

24. I wish my family was closer, I always envisioned us talking about our daily problems with one another over dinner. But this has made me strive to ensure that my children will have a tight bond with their family in the future.

25. I am afraid of change. It makes me really nervous/doubtful. So whenever there is a change, i have really thought back and fourth about it. It explains why i'm undecisive.

WOAH, i feel so good now that this is done. So there you have it. 25 thingy majiggys about me.


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