Sunday 15 March 2009

Hello world. I'm back after a week or so (?) of not blogging. These past few days have been really hard on me cause i was very very very very sick, I think the sickest i felt my whole life? Wait, no.. nothing beats the 'fake-appendix' incident which was also the same reason which led me to being this sick.

It all started like last week(?) when i met my BBGs and BBBs. I had this excruciating backache which is funny because in a way, it was bearable. Somewhere along the way, i started to have a fever and decided to head home and the weather was so not helping uh(raining). Ok shiet, i think i am being too long-winded so i'll just cut to the chase; I went to the docs and turns out i have an infection which was causing my back to ache and my fever shot up to 40 degress for 3 consecutive days. There was a point where i was even wanting so badly to go to the hospital or get an injection to numb me or something. Yes it was hell. So that's why i was M.I.A. I'll follow up with the doctor this coming 19th.

Moving on, i met up with Aysha, Farah, Ikah & Athirah on wed. Initial plans were to catch a movie but Aysha and i were both late plus other reasons so it was cancelled. Had dinner at KFC after so long and i was so satisfied with my meal. Met haziq for a while and then we headed home. Oh, by the way, Haziq's off to serve the country. HAHA. Good luck boy. Army life isn't necessarily a bed of roses.

--- I know now. I'm not looking for love. I'm in fact looking for lust and infatuation. I want rollercoaster feelings. Jitters. Butterflies in my twisted stomach. My heart to thump so fast, it goes on the verge of exploding. And i don't care. I'm young and i want to feel these until i can. I'm only 17 once and i deserve my teenhood. woo hoo! ----

And to reply to these taggers on the subject of:

bisexualism : No i am not but i have had thoughts of it and i think it is really sexy. But being a butch, really isn't.

Aysha and i : We had a tiff .

Which reminds me, i need to vent this out.

First of all, i never confirmed i was gg. The only time i said ok was days before the event. The day before i reconfirmed and said i wasn't sure. On the day itself, i was penniless and its not nice to let aunty apple to pay for my fare. I'm not saying im right because i am not for not being clear. Also, aren't you being such a black pot for calling the kettle black( or whatever way this metaphor goes) ? Remember the sentosa incident? u stood me up too. I wasn't being a bitch about it now was i? I understand you met me after that but the fact that u still didnt go to sentosa with us does cound for something. I know you are gg through alot in your life with boys and your dad etc but please have some decency to think first. I'm still here when u cool off. This is just so petty and it really is a microscopic issue. PULEASE, i aint got the time for this.


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