Thursday 5 March 2009

I'm baccckk.
I shall try to provide a full blog post while chewing on my strawberry Pocky's.

Moving wayyy back onto last thurs( geez i have not blogged for an entire week!),

Mr moozie here, returned from his Brunei trip and had many stories to tell.

I was a little disappointed ):
I expected a scenario where i would run and jump on him and he would hug me and we would twirl around but i knew it was too unrealistic so i settled for a simple hug but let's just say that was too unrealistic too.

Moving on, i didnt't sleep the night before i picked him( at 7.30am, which means i left home at 6) so on the ride back home, i tried to sleep but i couldn't because of the sunlight but the both of them( him and sis) pigged all the way. Upon reaching woodlands, we went back to his house and he unpacked bla bla bla, talked somemore and we watched Penelope. We wanted to watch Norbit after that but i was too tired and so i fell aslp. I forgot what happened after i woke up ( what? it's one week ago!) I think we drank or something cause he bought a few bottles of liquor.

Friday, was spent on.. i forgot too.
Now saturday, we went to Yishun to watch Marley & me. Can i say this is the best movie ever? Seriously, i guess its cause i am a HUGE animal lover but it is the best movie ever! Its ranked under my fav movie ever now. And something silly happened that ended up in me sitting on one side of the row and moozie on the ever. I was very pissed. Moving on back to the movie, it is so great, its like those kind of movies which have an impact on you and after the movie when everyone got up to leave, i just sat there, catching my breath and trying to look cool and not like i have just finished crying. Then we had dinner at Long John's so ... yeap.

Sunday was awesome, Moozie and i headed to Sentosa and wanted to just chill and relax but the weather was so not on our side and so it started raining. Heavily. For over an hour. So we sat at sapphire pavillion and chat. and chat, and played games, and then headed to vivo when i asked if he was going to be late for book in and that little clown was not booking in on Sunday but on Monday. I know it seems like i have been spending the whole week with Moozie but he had just returned from a 2-week-long-hell-of-a-ride in Brunei.

MONDAY: stayed at his place, went to CWP for a while to exchange my nail polish set and had lunch at some coffeeshop. i miss having kaya bread with butter. yummay.

TUESDAY: I met my friends! Like finally, i brought mom's lappy down and we had a 5 sec fun with the webcam( it was so dark) and we took sooo much photos.

And Aysha got me this for no reason! HAHA. she is just cute like that. Thanks girl. It's really soft and nice to sleep in and its the kind of apparel where u dont ever wanna take off. You wanna curl up in it forever. heh.

Oh, afiq joined us with his beautiful gf soo after. Aren't they so sweet? They are so romantic and lovey-dovey all the time. I'm so envious.

My wednesday was spent at home. I cleaned my room, played with giogio, fed some chicken cookie to her, and watched tv and ate mom's home cooked brazilian food! Like finally!!!!!!

Today (5th march)

The girls are gg to come over to my place to have a manicure/pedicure session! Then we are heading to CWP for dinner.



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