Tuesday 28 April 2009

Had class today and i was like half an hour late cause i overslept. Anyways, i met dzul after class and we headed to Tampines 1 and i love that place. I was thinking to myself , "Oh great, just another shopping mall. I mean, its all the same, SG has so much of these." But i dont know, it had more varieties and i just liked it ok, i dont need a reason for it. I bought a new top and a very nice notepad with no lines inside. That is so daring of me cause i always buy books with lines. hahaha. and a purple pen for sch and whatever-not that needs writing.
Just random pictures. GIO GIO is licking her nose in the second picture. I miss her ): She is over at sis'.

I miss puglet too. He is with someone else now. He snores and has a nice doggy smell )::::

GIOGIO's reindeer headband for xmas like 3 years ago. moooooooo.

I miss sitting here. It's such a stress reliever.

And sumo! who can forget him? He is the first dog i named after all and i still love that name no matter what ppl may say and i will still not forgive him for biting my lip after i blew GENTLY at his nose. And i miss how he used to sleep on top of me and how is such an attention seeker and how he never pees at the right place.
watermelon (:

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