Sunday 3 May 2009

Labour Day was spent with my friends over at Cine! It's been ages since i've gone out with my friends who are now either busy with school/serving the nation/or BGRs.

I met sufian after 248378932 years. really. It's nice to finally see him and catch up on things.
Oh so it was yours truly(me) , Aysha, Nazmi, Dzul, Yan and Amirul who came in and out of the picture.

We wanted to have dinner at Lucky Plaza but the store was closed so we had dinner at Estella instead. Followed by some arcade gaming. I guess that's about all. Oh and i saw a few familiar faces here and there. I really miss gg out with my friends. We have to meet up more often!

Dzul's prolly laughing cause Aysha and i said that the way a guy eats is prolly the reflection of the way he is in bed, and then nazmi ate like a monster and sufian ate his food so gently. hahah. Dzul just sniggered and they were both eyeing in th way i ate. Too bad this only works for guys!(:

And also, i am a strong believer that a way a guy treats his mom, is th way he treats his lady. Dont believe me? observe and you might just see the similarity.

He has a very kinky shirt



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