Monday 4 May 2009


Guest - No i am not because like i said, she has a de-facto relationship.

Dora - sure thing, really soon (:

Guest - Yes she is.

Mell - thanks but i dont like the idea of modelling, too pressurizing and i like to be the best in what i do and i dont think that could work in the modelling world.

Passerby - yes and err, we'll see how things go.

Guest - Yes im not stick thin for that matter and i feel very happy with my fashion sense and i know, alot of ppl think im malay at first too.

Guest_guest - thanks.

Okay, now that that's done, mine day was mundane. I just stayed home and used th comp and idk why im only choosing this moment to blog when i should be sleeping cause school is like 8.30 in th morn later. I'm so annoyed cause dad cooked some weird soup(for himself) and there was like no food at home ok! urgh. Guess im venting this cause im hungry. Im gg to sleep now, cause i have nothing further to say. bye.

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