Friday, 24 July 2009

Man this blog has been collecting too much dust bunnies hasn't it?
I lost my drive to write over th past few weeks but now its back!

First things first, I'm on holidays till end of August. Yay.
But i got barred from my exams due to poor attendence. Laugh and snigger all you want but its so not funnnaaayyy. I appealed to my coordinator but she has soo not replied. In my defence, it totally isn't fair. Why? a bunch of us were supposedly barred from th papers but everyone else had an excuse like travelling or H1N1 quarantine. I mean, props for the excuses uh but there werent any form of proof what, and when i told my coordinator mine side of th story, she said i needed proof in paper (Mc/Leave form) Its pure crap.
If you are going to need proof, make sure everyone has it.
If you are going to excuse students based on how good their excuses are , then that really isnt fair. Its kind of a all for one, one for all kind of deal. I wrote her a very questionable e-mail but still no replies.
It makes my heart boil everytime i think about my papers.
On the other hand, i know its my fault for missing school and its kind of a very hard habit to kick. When the holidays are over, and i venture into my diploma level, i promise(that's right, no 'try's or 'work hard's) to achieve good attendence in school ^.^
And fyi, if one is barred from the exams, there will be a need to remodule( go through the whole she-bang' all over again) and a fee of $250 will apply.
I was thinking of wether to blog about this 'being barred' thingy cause it does reflect the bad sides of me ie my laziness and mountains of procrastinations but heck, i was never perfect to begin with.

Now for updates, (I think i have been going out too often)
Note to self: alter that problem as well.
I dont really like blogging about things that have happened really long ago cause i dont like thinking really hard about the tiny details of what has happened and yada yada especially when it is not very interesting to begin with. Which is why, im going to skip everything that has happened up till... Thurs. I met Aysha after months and we had an early dinner and a lot of juicy secrets/gossips/stories/experiences exchanged. We are after all, best at yacking over everything under the Sun. Oh it was so nice to catch up with an old friend who understands your every woes and problems so well. Its just too bad Aini couldn't join us ):

I think it has been 2,3 months that i have not stepped into Civic? and believe me, thats a long time for someone who has been going there almost everyday last year to study/attempt to study/have dinner dates/have dinner/watch ppl have dinner/chill. Not much has changed i can say, still the same faces, doing th same things. Bla bla bla,i am boring myself. I THINK I HAVE LOST TH ABILITY TO WRITE. aghh, i feel so disfunctional as of this moment.

My fringe looks weird here. Aysha's is just so sexy.

Oh you must be wondering why i am right smack in th middle of a field with a guy having prata. I met Hanafee after going to civic to supposedly 'talk' about things. All i remember however, was eating alot. And that made me happy. Food makes me happy. See my top? Happy is highlighted.

Gluttony, which is what i possess among the 7 deadly sins acoording to the quiz i did in FB.

At least i don't possess this quality al0ne.

Penny for your thoughts.

I people-watch all the time and i know you might gag upon reading this because you think it is so not true and that im just trying to sound nice, but what i do is, when i people-watch, i always am looking out for features that i feel are their most beautiful . You know sometimes, we look at people and say, wow, she's gorgeous or he's so edible and you notice how beautiful ppl always get more attention and what they want much easily. Would you say that beauty is a blessing? Or a curse? Because somehow, i find that the less-beautiful people always know more things about life through experience, they probably work hard to get where they are. An example would be, two ladies working in a firm right, one is, no offence, a fat hippo with pimple plantations on her face, while the other, has the face of an angel and a body of a stripper. Surprise surprise, the boss is a male who is divorced and sexless for months/years? I so know how this story would end. Not 100% but 99% says that th story will end how i have envisioned it.
When a person goes ''you are blessed with such beauty.'' Is it a compliment ? Shouldn't it be ''You are cursed with beauty''? I dont know, this may be silly but these are just the kind of things i think about before going to bed.

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