Wednesday 19 November 2008

hang on cause this will be filled with angst.

no. 1 - girlfriend, i love you so much & you did this to me. th only reason why i was being such a pain in th ass is cause i fucking care for you. you went off with 2 guys that u know for barely few days. dont u think i would not fucking worry? if u want friends that dont call u and annoy u while u have fun, go ahead. just see if they are your REAL friends. I know after you read this, u will be mad at me. but remember, im saying this cause i fucking care and appreciate it while i still do. all of your true friends are standing right in front of your face. Now are u gg to cherish or stab us?

no. 2 - if you were not happy abt the saturday incident, tell me . i told you, i would send your stuff to your house if the bike is not spoilt. IF. and now u are accusing me of gg there to F***. i thought out of everyone , you would understand. u know my time with him is limited. twice a week. u gone through it. so why are u being like that now. Hate me all you want but im gg to be here until u realise that i care for you. DAPIER, i fucking care for you! can u not see it!?!?

no. 3 - i lost my hp. its only 6 fucking days old. i think it was in the bus or one of th slackers stole it. nevertheless, its my fault. MY FAULT BECAUSE I AM SO CARELESS. i feel so bad for pops. i know he is tight on cash now and he tried so hard for my happiness and i had to go and screw things up by losing my phone. way to go! NABEY. FUCK FUCK FUCK. alr u are feeling unwell, and i had to worsen things for u.

no. 4 - so u claim u hate me. It's only cause u are my friend's sister that i am bothering to care. Let me make this clear to you, you dont know me. i care for your sister. and when she invited u over with us, i knew it was a bad idea cause i knew you would be upset/ bored/ annoyed but i just kept quiet cause i was in no position to say anything. Maybe if you gave me and yourself a chance to clear this hatred, YOU COULD FCKIGN SEE.

argh! what the fck is wrong with my life now!
screw everyone.
bring on the hate tags. ii doesnt seem like i FUCKING CARE NOW DO I!?

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